Saturday 31 January 2015

OILY SKIN: Do's and Don'ts

Do you have oily skin?
Like me, do you want to find some quick and simple tips without dashing the cash? Well, read on...
[This is not medical advice, please consult your doctor before trying anything]
Oily skin is the worst beauty annoyance any girl or guy can deal with, as more excess oil is produced on the outer skin layer, this can lead to black heads, whiteheads and a lot of displeasing irritations on the skin. Oily skin can be passed down through genetics, dietary choices, stress(!) and hormonal changes.

When I was 13, the trouble all began... my normal skin was plagued by oily skin. Thankfully, it was not as bad as I've heard other people’s oily skin were but I could never look in a mirror without seeing my nose shining bright as the sun. Especially during the summer. So I have created this  post to summarize things you should avoid doing to banish oily skin! (These are no particular order)

1.  DO NOT use facial scrubs.
What?! I thought the same thing, facial scrubs have worked wonders on my face leaving it clean and smooth as a baby’s bottom but it apparently stimulates more oil production!
2   2. DO wash your face with hot water
Hot water dissolves the excess oil more effectively than cool water. I recommend washing your face with a good face wash which is oil-free and a muslin cloth.
3   3. DO NOT use pressed powder.
I admit I use a lot of pressed powder as I try to conceal the excess oil, however it shockingly contains oil and may lead to blemishes or make acne which exists, worse.
     4. DO use flax seed oil
By taking 1 tbsp of flax seed oily daily can improve many skin conditions, including oily skin.
5   5. DO NOT  artificial products
This includes scented lotions, artificial perfumes, colouring agents and mineral oil. Always use natural products, I recommend Lush and The Body Shop.
6.  DO change face cloths daily.
Wash makeup brushes and applicators at least weekly. And a nasty habit is continuously touching the oil affected areas.
7. DO NOT eat greasy or fatty junk food.
However do not completely stop, just eat in moderation.
8.  DO drink plenty of water.
Water does wonders for skin, obviously but do not make this a chore by continuously drinking till you have to go to the toilet every 5 minutes! Instead, drink flavoured water or green tea.
9. DO use oil.
This varies on certain people, but apparently this works. I have not tried this myself, but I will and update this post when I do. However do not use baby oil or your standard drugstore oils, good oils to use are: Vitamin E, Jojoba, Coconut and Bio Oil.
1   10. DO use face masks.
DIY face masks: Egg-white masks.
Egg white are said to firm the skin and soak up the excess oil.
Mix one tsp of honey with 1 egg white and stir well. Then add flour to make it a paste and apply on your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it to dry for about 10 minutes and wash off with warm water.
Drugstore masks:
Clay or Mud masks reduce greasiness, tones and draws out impurities from the skin. Lush have an awesome variety: HTTP://
     11.  DO use Lush’s products
Lately I’ve been raving on about Lush’s products but it’s because they’re just so good! It’s handmade, 100% vegetarian, No animal testing, Ethical buying and they have the freshest cosmetics online.

And that's all I have for today, thank you for reading this post and please subscribe and comment if any of these worked for you or if you've tried anything which is not listed and has worked. 

Divine Beau

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